Using Middleware in Express.js to Enhance Your Node.js Applications

How to use middleware in Express.js for Node.js applications

Middlewareβ€―functionality is keyβ€―whenβ€―developingβ€―an app with Express.js.Itβ€―letsβ€―youβ€―code your search results server toβ€―doβ€―usefulβ€―thingsβ€―suchβ€―asβ€―error handling, logging, authentication, andβ€―muchβ€―more. Thisβ€―fantasticβ€―guide explains everything you need to know about middleware in Express.js and will help you understand this concept.

How to use middleware in Express.js for Node.js applications

What exactly is middleware in Node.js?

Middleware acts asβ€―aβ€―go-betweenβ€―request, response, and next action. Itβ€―mightβ€―includeβ€―”req”β€―andβ€―”res”β€―objects. Middleware applications can doβ€―anyβ€―of the following:
β€’ Any code works.
β€’ Change request and response variables.
β€’ Close the search and response loop.
β€’β€―Employβ€―the next() functionβ€―thatβ€―informsβ€―ofβ€―the next intermediate device.β€―Suchβ€―anβ€―approachβ€―providesβ€―forβ€―the capabilityβ€―to addβ€―objectsβ€―and assemble objects without bloating and clutteringβ€―upβ€―the coreβ€―logic of theβ€―application.

Types of middleware in Express.js

There are three classes of middleware for Express.js.

Β 1. Built-in Middleware Express gives us out-of-the-box middleware, including

  • express.json() – Creates JSON values.
  • express.urlencoded() – Creates a URL-encoded value.
  • express.static() – uses static files

2. Third-party middleware There’s also npm middleware that enhances Express functionality.

For instance,

  • Morgan Recording HTTP Request cors allows resources to be shared across origins.

3. Application-level middleware

Application-level middleware allows binding to a given express app instance using the app.use() or app.METHOD() functions.This type of middleware executes for every single incoming request that matches the specified route.

4. Router-level Middleware

  • We attach the router-level middleware to express.
  • Router() objects and so it runs middlewares on each user-defined router.

Best Practices for Implementing Middleware in Express.js

1. Understand the Middleware Flow

It can do various things like changing the request and response objects, terminating the request-response cycle, or invoking the next middleware function using next().

2. Use Built-in Middleware

Express.js provides a few built-in middleware functions for common tasks such as parsing request bodies and serving static files. Use these whenever possible as this reduces the need for reinventing the wheel. A few of the commonly used built-in middleware are

  • express.json(): Parses incoming requests with JSON payloads.
  • express.urlencoded(): Parses incoming requests with URL-encoded payloads.
  • express.static(): Serves static files.

3. Write Reusable Middleware

When writing custom middleware, try to make it reusable throughout your application. Encapsulate specific functionality in middleware functions that can be easily added to the middleware stack using app.use() or router.use().


const requestLogger = (req, res, next) => {

console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);




4. Middleware Ordering

The order in which middleware is added to the middleware stack matters. Middleware functions are executed in the order they are added. Ensure that middleware is added in the correct order to avoid unexpected behavior. For example, error handling middleware should be added after all other middleware and routes.




app.use(‘/api’, apiRouter);


5. Handle Errors Gracefully

Error handling is a crucial aspect of middleware implementation. Create custom error handling middleware to catch and handle errors gracefully. Ensure that error handling middleware is added after all other middleware and routes.


const errorHandler = (err, req, res, next) => {


res.status(500).send(‘Something went wrong!’);



6. Use Router-Level Middleware for Specific Routes

Use router-level middleware for operations which have to be applied for particular routes or a class of routes. This helps have finer control in the execution of middleware and maintain your code order.


const router = express.Router();

router.use((req, res, next) => {

console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);



router.get(‘/user’, (req, res) => {

res.send(‘User Page’);


app.use(‘/api’, router);

7. Avoid Blocking Operations

Avoid blocking operations, like synchronous file I/O or computations that can take too long, which will degrade the performance of your application. Use asynchronous operations and non-blocking code whenever it’s possible.

Creating Custom Middleware for Express.js ApplicationsΒ 

Why Build Custom Middleware?

With custom middleware, you can encapsulate and reuse functionality throughout your application. You could use custom middleware for logging, authentication, validation, error handling, and much more.

Setting up an Express.js ApplicationΒ 

To start, let’s set up a basic Express.js application. If you haven’t already, install Express.js using npm:

npm install express

Create a new file, app.js, and set up a basic Express server:Β 

const express = require(‘express’);

const express = require(‘express’);

const app = express();

const port = 3000;

app.get(‘/’, (req, res) => {

res.send(‘Hello World!’);


app.listen(port, () => {

console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);


Creating Custom Middleware

Let’s create a custom middleware function that logs the HTTP method and URL of incoming requests. Middleware functions are defined just like any other function in JavaScript:

const requestLogger = (req, res, next) => {

console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);



In this middleware, we log the HTTP method and the URL of the incoming request. The next() function is called to pass control to the next middleware function in the stack.

Using Custom Middleware

To use the custom middleware in your Express application, you must make use of the app.use() method. This method adds the middleware to the application’s middleware stack:


Your app.js file should look like this now:

const express = require(‘express’);

const app = express();

const port = 3000;

// Custom middleware for logging requests

const requestLogger = (req, res, next) => {

console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);




app.get(‘/’, (req, res) => {

res.send(‘Hello World!’);


app.listen(port, () => {

console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);


Enhancing Custom Middleware

You can enhance the custom middleware to include more details, such as the request headers, query parameters, and body. Here’s an example:

const detailedRequestLogger = (req, res, next) => {

console.log(`Method: ${req.method}`);

console.log(`URL: ${req.url}`);

console.log(`Headers: ${JSON.stringify(req.headers)}`);

console.log(`Query Params: ${JSON.stringify(req.query)}`);

console.log(`Body: ${JSON.stringify(req.body)}`);



// Use the enhanced middleware


Creating Middleware for Authentication

Custom middleware can also be used for authentication. Here’s an example of a simple authentication middleware that checks for an API key in the request headers:

const apiKeyAuth = (req, res, next) => {

const apiKey = req.headers[‘x-api-key’];

if (apiKey === ‘your-secret-api-key’) {


} else {




// Use the authentication middleware


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Understanding the Request-Response Cycle with Express Middleware

Middleware is a kind of bridge between the client’s final response and the incoming HTTP request. The cycle works like this:

1. The Middleware Stack Handles the Request A chain of middleware functions are called in an order determined by the incoming request.

2. Middleware The request/response objects can be processed, modified, or the cycle can be ended by delivering a response from each middleware function.

3. Using next() to Pass Control Middleware passes control to the next middleware in the stack by using next(). The request-response cycle is over if next() is not called.

4. Final Answer Getting the final answer to the client, after performing all the necessary middleware operations.

Using Built-in Middleware in Express.js to Enhance Functionality

Built-in Middleware in Express.js

Express.js comes with several built-in middleware functions that can be used to handle common tasks. Here are some of the most commonly used built-in middleware:




Using built-in middleware in Express.js can significantly enhance the functionality of your applications. The express.json(), express.urlencoded(), and express.static() middleware functions are just a few examples of how you can handle common tasks efficiently. By leveraging these built-in middleware functions, you can simplify your code and focus on building the core features of your application.

Error Handling Middleware in Express.js

Error handling is a crucial aspect of building robust and reliable web applications. In Express.js, middleware provides a powerful way to handle errors gracefully. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create and use error handling middleware in an Express.js application.

What is Error Handling Middleware?

Error handling middleware is a special type of middleware that is designed to handle errors that occur during the request-response cycle. Unlike regular middleware, error handling middleware has four arguments: err, req, res, and next. This allows it to catch and handle errors that occur in the application.

Creating Error Handling Middleware

To create error handling middleware, you need to define a middleware function with four arguments. Here’s an example:

Creating Error Handling Middleware

Using Error Handling Middleware

To use error handling middleware in your Express application, you need to add it to the middleware stack using app.use(). It’s important to add error handling middleware after all other middleware and routes, so it can catch errors that occur in them.theβ€―errorHandlerβ€―middleware checks if the error is an instance ofβ€―ValidationErrorβ€―and sends a 400 status code with the error message. For other types of errors, it logs the error stack and sends a 500 status code.

Application-Level vs. Router-Level Middleware in Express.js

Application-Level Middleware

Application-level middleware is bound to an instance of the express object and is executed for every request that the application receives. This type of middleware is useful for tasks that need to be performed for all routes, such as logging, parsing request bodies, or handling CORS.

Example of Application-Level Middleware

Here’s an example of application-level middleware that logs the HTTP method and URL of incoming requests:

Creating Error Handling Middleware

In this example, the middleware function is added using app.use(), which means it will be executed for every incoming request.

Router-Level Middleware

Router-level middleware works in the same way as application-level middleware, except it is bound to an instance of express.Router(). This allows you to apply middleware to specific routes or groups of routes, providing more fine-grained control over middleware execution.

Example of Router-Level Middleware

Here’s an example of router-level middleware that logs the HTTP method and URL of incoming requests for a specific router:

const express = require(‘express’);

const app = express();

const router = express.Router();

const port = 3000;

// Router-level middleware

router.use((req, res, next) => {

console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);



router.get(‘/user’, (req, res) => {

res.send(‘User Page’);


router.get(‘/admin’, (req, res) => {

res.send(‘Admin Page’);


app.use(‘/api’, router);

app.listen(port, () => {

console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);


In this example, the middleware function is added using router.use(), which means it will be executed for every request that matches the routes defined in the router.

Key Differences

  • Application-Level Middleware: Applied to the entire application and executed for every request.
  • Router-Level Middleware: Applied to specific routers and executed only for requests that match the routes defined in the router.


  • Application-Level Middleware: Useful for tasks that need to be performed globally, such as logging, body parsing, or setting headers.
  • Router-Level Middleware: Useful for tasks that need to be performed for specific routes or groups of routes, such as route-specific authentication or validation.


Application-Level Middleware: Less flexible as it applies to all routes.

Router-Level Middleware: More flexible as it can be applied to specific routes or groups of routes.

Logging Requests with Custom Middleware in Express.js

Logging is an essential part of any application, especially for debugging and monitoring purposes. In an Express.js application, middleware provides a powerful way to handle various tasks, including logging. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create custom middleware to log incoming requests in an Express.js application.

Setting Up an Express.js Application

First, let’s set up a basic Express.js application. If you haven’t already, install Express.js using npm:

npm install express

Create a new file, app.js, and set up a basic Express server:

const express = require(‘express’);

const app = express();

const port = 3000;

app.get(‘/’, (req, res) => {

res.send(‘Hello World!’);


app.listen(port, () => {

console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);


Creating Custom Middleware for Logging

Now, let’s create custom middleware to log incoming requests. Middleware functions are defined just like any other function in JavaScript. Here’s how you can create a simple logging middleware:

const requestLogger = (req, res, next) => {

console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);



In this middleware, we log the HTTP method and the URL of the incoming request. The next() function is called to pass control to the next middleware function in the stack.

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If you’re using Express.js, middleware is something you’ll want to get comfortable with. It keeps your code neat, saves you time, and helps avoid common mistakes. Instead of writing the same code again and again, middleware lets you handle things like logins, tracking errors, and security in a simple way. The key is to keep it organized and use only what you need. With a little practice, you’ll be building Express.js apps that are faster, safer, and easier to manage!

Cleared Doubts: FAQs

Middleware is important because it allows developers to handle various tasks such as logging, authentication, error handling, and more, in a modular and reusable way.

Router-level middleware works similarly to application-level middleware but is bound to an instance of express.Router(). It is used to define middleware for specific routes.

Common use cases include logging, authentication, parsing request bodies, handling CORS, and serving static files.

  • Third-party middleware can be installed via npm and used in your application. For example, to use the body-parser middleware:
  • JavaScript
  • const bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’);
  • app.use(bodyParser.json());
  • AI-generated code. Review and use carefully.

Yes, middleware can be used for specific routes by passing the route path as the first argument to app.use() or router.use().

Built-in middleware includes functions provided by Express.js, such as express.static() for serving static files and express.json() for parsing JSON request bodies.

Yes, middleware can be used to authenticate users by checking credentials and setting user information in the request object.

app.use() is used to define middleware that applies to all HTTP methods, while app.METHOD() (e.g., app.get(), is used for specific HTTP methods.

The express.json() middleware parses incoming JSON request bodies and makes the data available in req.body.

app.use() is used to define middleware that applies to all HTTP methods, while app.METHOD() (e.g., app.get(), is used for specific HTTP methods.

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